What’s it like Working on a “Superyacht” for a living? By...

When I first started sailing in my little red topper dinghy all those years ago, I never expected to be able to recreate that...

Pacific Ocean Passage Log – When Things Break – by Skipper...

Hi All, Day six sees us still in moderate Tradewind conditions, and bang on course for the islands. The beauty of the South Pacific Trades is...

The Pacific Crossing of Ipixuna by Freyboatie.

So, what’s it like crossing the biggest ocean on the planet?

Another Day in The Office – Atlantic Crossing – What’s it...

The Atlantic by sea - heading West! by Alice S, trainee Bosun. The norm is to head out to the Caribbean for the winter season around...

Ocean Passage Log – Departure from Galápagos Islands – Skipper Harry...

Hello! An update from Ipixuna on our fourth day at sea as she sails from the Galapagos Islands to French Polynesia. After leaving the Galapagos we knew...

Lassoing the First Line Ashore

The technique to getting the first line ashore safely. The lasso.

Day Skipper Practical Training – Portimao
