Take Offs & Landings – Stern First Approach.
Bow first or stern first onto the berth, what are the pros and cons?
So we are talking about your average cruising yacht, being a...
Navigation Unravelled – The Course to Steer made easy.
I’d like to share my recent idea and findings on simplifying course to steer for us.
New students (and older ones) virtually always confuse the...
Sailing is fun, so take part in a fun regatta.
This is us taking part in the Bluewater Regatta - Lagos in the Algarve, Sept 2018
Teamwork makes the dream work!!
This is one of the...
Will I be seasick? Here’s how to avoid “Mal de Mer”
Everyone thinks about it, especially when first going out on a boat, and virtually everyone feels a little queezy when the boat moves under...
Sailing Skills – moving about the boat
Firstly, when moving about on deck when underway, always wear a lifejacket - it can save your life!
When moving about the boat remember, this...
Southampton Boat Show 2018 – ideal starting place.
If you intrigued as to what this sailing lark is about and what’s involved to get started, then there’s no better place to visit...
So You’re Tempted – Now Where Do You Start?
So you’re tempted - now where do you start?
Well there’s lots of help there but basically you have two options;
The hard way. Just jumping...
Hi There and Welcome to Our Blog
Hi there and welcome to our Blog where we will be giving you lots of help and guidance, especially if you are new to...